We handcraft carnivore-based soap and skincare products from all natural ingredients. We use the best most local and humanely sourced tallow and lard as possible.

Agora Garden

"I absolutely cannot go back to commercial chemical soap."

"That stuff rocks! I need more."

"I love how it LOOKS almost as much as how it FEELS"

Our Products

Bar Soap

Handmade with natural tallow, lard, lye, coconut, castor, and essential oils! (Shape/look may vary.)


Made with the same stuff as our bars but in different recipes and put into jars and tins.


Things to put our products on; and things to help put our products onto your body.

About Us

Our mission is to spread FREEDOM from toxic products and belief-systems and to promote the carnivore lifestyle and TRUTH.

We envision helping individuals create a life of independence, authenticity, connection, and good health by:

1. Crafting and delivering natural, animal-based, locally sourced, soap and skin care products.

2. Educating and inspiring people to voluntaryism, homesteading, and simple traditional living.

Why “Agora Garden“?

Agora means marketplace. For us that evokes images of voluntary exchange to the benefit of every participant! The garden represents a springing forth of life and growth. We hope that by creating and sharing the gifts of our soap and body products we participate in a springing forth of vitality and mutually beneficial voluntary exchange! 

Midwest Agorism Society

In working to create a community of individuals connected through voluntary exchange and committed to freedom we have founded the Midwest Agorism Society. We meet regularly for an exchange of skills, wisdom, goods, and (perhaps most importantly) camaraderie! Find us on Meetup.com to join our local group or let us help you start one of your own.